Savings Account on ALAT | Digital Bank in Nigeria

Savings Account on ALAT | Digital Bank in Nigeria
Opening a Savings Account on ALAT App
ALAT savings account helps you achieve your savings goals on time every time. Choose what you’ll like to save for and earn interest on your money every month for as long as you want.
ALAT Savings Account
You can have one ALAT savings account and multiple savings goals, saving for that special item, occasion, or just looking for a rewarding investment plan with ALAT’s Savings Goals has got you covered. You can create as many Savings Goals as you need. It’s as easy as, setting your target, choosing your saving frequency, and watching the magic happen. ALAT handles the rest…and makes you some good money in the process.

How do I create a savings goal?
to your App
to your ALAT Account and Click on Goals.
Select a Savings Option
Choose a Savings option from either Personal Savings or Group Savings.
Personal Savings
- Spend and Save
- Investment
- Dollar Goal
- Flexi Goal
- Fixed Goal
- Stash
Group Savings
- Rotating Savings
- Save towards a target
- Join an existing Savings group
Name your Savings Goal
After choosing a savings goal path, you need to
- Name your goal,
- Set the amount of money you want to save,
- Set the target date for achieving the goal,
- Set the date to begin saving,
- Pick your saving frequency (daily, weekly or monthly),
- Pick the account money will be saved from and
- Finally click the Create Goal Button
Are you ready to join the ALAT tribe?
Accounts on ALAT You Need To Open
Save towards a project at a frequency of choice, with withdrawal option.
Save in dollars whenever you want and not allow your money loose it’s value.