Goal Based Loan

Loans & Goals
We Get Your Goal Based Loan Need
Let’s face it. You know what you need but you just don’t know how to get it. Our officials hear that over and over from both individuals who need loans either for personal use or business purpose.
You’re likely here because of one or more of the following reasons:
- You want to start a business or a new one
- You want to save money on your loan
- You have an existing loan facility that you are repaying
- You want to expand your business
- You want to acquire an additional certification
- You want to add extra feature or facility to your business or project. etc
If any of these pain points ring a bell, rest assured, you’ve come to the right loan company.

There are several reasons why ALAT is currently the best digital bank in Nigeria. One of them is because we have thousands of Goal based loan customers and we continuously provide support, advice, and follow-up on them with optimisation solutions to answer any question they may have.
Get a goal based loan that focuses on your goals and dreams first.
Calculate your loan repayment plus interest
Our goal based loan calculator will help you determine the total payments on a loan at 2% monthly loan interest rate. Simply drag the button to the loan amount you want and specify the loan term or loan duration and the total amount to be paid back will be displayed below. This loan calculator is used fixed loan.
How to get a goal-based loan
- Log in to the app/ sign up
- Go to Loans
- Click “take a loan”
- Select goal-based loan
- If eligible, the eligible amount will be displayed (eligible amount is u to 80% of the customer’s total individual goal savings)
- Enter loan amount, select account to credit and enter transaction PIN
- Accept terms and conditions
- Account will be credited immediately